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  • Shiko Saito
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  • 齋藤芝香


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ゲルマー・トモコ(以下 ゲルマー):齋藤先生とは2018 年に開催されたマルタ共和国での展覧会「日本の印象」展でお会いして以来ですね。あの時はありがとうございました。
齋藤芝香(以下 齋藤):あの時はお世話になりました。おかげさまでとても楽しかったです。
ゲルマー:その齋藤先生が、今は書で多くの人に驚きを与えています。運命の巡り合わせというのは、誰に もわかりませんね。おかげさまで書道はドイツでも非常に人気があります。齋藤先生はドイツにどのような印象をお持ちですか。
齋藤:日本人もすぐ新しいものではなく、長く大切にする気持ちをドイツから学ばないといけないですね。 ゲルマー:しかし日本の若い子達も、書道を学校でしている方が多いと聞きます。伝統の文化を継承しているのは素晴らしいですね。 齋藤:文化を繋いでいくというのは大切です。ちなみにゲルマーさんは小さい時からフルートをされているんですか。

(2022年特別対談 齋藤芝香×ゲルマー・トモコ)

A Spectacular Spiritual Expression in Which a Moment of Deep Emotional Movement Comes Alive on Paper

Tomoko Germar: It’s been a long time since I met you at the “Impressions of Japan”exhibition held in Malta in 2018. Thank you very much for that time.
Shiko Saito: Thank you for having me back then. It was a lot of fun, thanks to you.
Germar: Even after the exhibition in Malta,I continued to keep an eye on your works.Today, I would like you to show me your calligraphy.
Saito: It’s been nearly ten years since I wrote the piece titled “Chirp” that is now being exhibited at Ikebukuro. This piece was exhibited either at the Chubu Nihon Shodoukai  Association or the Dokuritsu Shojindan Foundation, but I remounted it on a scroll to exhibit it again this time. At my house, I have two large camphor trees. Many small birds gather around them, which I find to be cute. The sunlight that filters through the trees is also beautiful. In an effort to somehow depict this wonderful scenery in calligraphy, I ended up writing “Chirp” after some trial and error.
Saito: It’s a beautiful and fun piece. There’s a particularly glittery shine to it. Was this created with gold dust?
Germar: Yes, the gold dust was an afterthought. I added it since I wanted to create a fun feel. I’m glad you noticed.
Saito: When I listen to you speak, I feel that you place great importance on your feelings and how you express them.

Germar: I find it very important to give form to any given moment the way I felt it. I feel as though I can express my feelings honestly when I’m deeply moved emotionally. I find that the more my feelings are expressed at a given moment, the better I’m able to convey them in words. If I try to write well, it backfires no matter what. That’s why I’m incapable of writing satisfactory pieces only when I make thorough preparations. On the contrary, the calligraphy I write in moments of spontaneous will tend to be better. During such times, I do feel some sort of deep emotional movement, but there’s obviously an inclination that prompts me to write as well.
Saito: Deep emotional movement is more important than anything else. I’ve also had the experienced where I was able to play the flute better when I played freely, so I very much understand what you’re saying.
Germar: Shaking off distracting thoughts may be universally important in any artistic expression.
Saito: Your calligraphy is also very popular with people overseas, and I think it’s because you express your deep emotional movement so well. Since they’re foreigners, they, of course, find it difficult to read the Chinese characters. However, in your pieces, your deep emotional movement and the scenes you’ve witnessed are depicted through brush strokes. People overseas enjoy comparing the beauty of the shape of your lines and the intention in the way you’ve expressed them with the theme of your pieces. Modern and classic Japanese poetry are also the same when it comes to expressing deep emotional movement through words. Do you ever consciously think about literature?
Germar: To tell you the truth, I was originally more interested in haiku and tanka poetry than calligraphy. But when I was in high school, I saw the calligraphy work of Unkaku Ishikawa and was shocked. The expression through his brush strokes was three-dimensional, and his characters were filled with air, or rather appeared to be breathing. It really felt like the “characters were alive.” It was during this time that I decided to start doing calligraphy.
Saito: That high-schooler you were back then is now surprising many people with his calligraphy. No one knows what a stroke of fate will bring. Thanks to you, calligraphy is very popular in Germany, too. Could you tell me what your impression of Germany is?
Germar: I’d like to go to Germany one time. I hear that the people there are very reliable and environmentally conscious.
Saito: It’s true that Germany has reliable people and many youths who cherish things. I feel that there are many people in Germany who cherish the things they like for a long time rather than what is trendy.
Germar: Japanese people should also learn from Germans how to cherish things for a long time rather than consuming things that are new.
Saito: However, I hear that many young Japanese children are doing calligraphy at school. It’s great that they’re keeping the traditional culture alive. Preserving culture is important. By the way, have you been playing the flute since you were a child?
Germar: I started when I was in junior high school. I used to play the piano during elementary school.
Saito: I’ve also done a little bit of that, but it’s very difficult.
Germar: The flute is an instrument that makes a sound when it’s blown into, so it’s able to create a sound that is close to the voice or is natural.
Saito: Do you think you’re able to express your feelings through sounds?
Germar: It’s quite difficult. But after playing for many years, there are times when I come across a moment when I’m convinced that “I’m expressing myself”. At times like that, I mentally feel a sense of momentary release.
Saito: It’s similar to when a calligrapher is writing characters. When I’m doing calligraphy, I sometimes have such moments. I think it’s because of those moments that I’m able to continue doing calligraphy. Although music and calligraphy are different paths, the final destination may be the same.
Germar: That’s right. Well, I’m happy that I’m able to share the joy of expression with you. By the way, the COVID-19 pandemic has settled quite a lot these days. The movements of artists around the world will gradually become more active. So, is there anything that you would like to work on in the future?
Saito: I want to write characters that completely change the image of my calligraphy. Going forward, I would like to put my all into this.
Germar: I hope that you will create pieces of calligraphy that are even more energetic. Thank you very much for your time today.
Saito: Thank you for having me. It was fun.

(2022 Special Talk Session: Shiko Saito × Germar Tomoko)

Profile /経歴

齋藤芝香 Shiko Saito


Affiliate Group: Dokuritsu Shojindan Foundation
Exhibition of Works(JEPAA): Germany,France,Malta…
