• JEPAA Member
  • Essey
  • Riichi Abe
  • エッセイ
  • 安部利一


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Art History /アートヒストリー











1964年5月 出雲児相の職員旅行にて



Riichi Abe, currently contracted as a school counselor for Shimane Prefecture’s Board of Education, has worked in the field of child psychology since graduating from university. Born in Okuizumo, young Abe witnessed dizzying changes including Japan’s post war upheaval from the Korean War to period of rapid economic growth during his formative years. Why did he go into child psychology and later become a writer? We will take a look at his early life.

Youth in Ohgo

Riichi Abe was born on February 8, 1939 in Yokotacho Town (currently Okuizumo-cho), Shimane Prefecture as the youngest of first boys in the Abe family.
In his youth, Abe grew up as an active child, enjoying playing in verdant nature and actively participating in sumo tournaments held in the fall. At the time, there was a food shortage during and after World War II, so he helped out around the house by fishing and fetching water from a well.
He grew up as a courageous child with a strong sense of justice. During elementary school, he looked after classmates with ADHD or intellectual disabilities and protected them from bullying at times. Under the education system at the time, however, it was acceptable for people to keep children with disabilities at home instead of attending school, meaning Japan’s understanding of disabilities was extremely poor. When he was a fifth grader his school experienced tragedy. A student with ADHD fell into a river and died. It’s not hard to imagine that such tragic loss of life would greatly traumatize the children’s hearts. “Why do those with disabilities have to go through such pain?”
Young Riichi learned by experience, how cruel this world can be. It was destined for him to choose a path of helping children’s mental health later in life.

Student Days

In 1950, Riichi entered the local Yokota Junior High School. He enjoyed his years in school being good in both academics and in sports. In addition to studying, he joined the sumo team, ekiden (long distance running) team and cheer squad.
In 1953, he graduated and moved on to Yokota High School’s regular course. He also joined the cheer squad at his new school, but witnessed the painful situation that bullying on the team was commonplace. This ignited Riichi’s sense of justice deep within his heart. In his senior year, he became a co-captain of the team and in this role he took action to resolve and eradicate bullying inside the team。
“I’m not sure how I was able to do that. I probably had a strong sense of responsibility.”

University Days

After diligent studying, in 1957 Riichi enrolled in the Faculty of Education at Shimane University, a national university. At the time, however, the Abe family was faced with a challenging financial situation. His father was ill and could not work full time, so his oldest brother entered the workforce early to support the family. At the time, there were many cases where the oldest sibling supported the entire family. Deep down, Riichi felt a sense of guilt for being the only person in the family attending university.
He promised the family that after graduating he would become a civil servant. This was because he wanted to quickly find a stable job to help support his family after being allowed to attend university. Therefore, at first Riichi had thought of becoming a teacher. However, he gradually felt teaching was not suited to him and he was forced to change direction. This is when he came across a child consultation center. Fortunately, Riichi had been majoring in psychology from the very beginning. Thus, this encounter came as a lifesaver. Also, in the back of his mind ,he had always been thinking of his bitter experiences during elementary school. “I want to help as many children as possible through my work.”His classmates who experienced a sad farewell may have pushed him in the right direction.

Full Time Career and Becoming an Author

After becoming a clinical psychologist at a child consultation center, Riichi worked on children’s mental health and well-being. Just then, Japan entered a period of rapid economic growth. Due to the constant change in the environment surrounding children, his daily work became even more challenging.
Through such challenging times, there was one person who supported Riichi the most. It was his wife, his former colleague. Learning from her friendliness and her approach in treating everyone equally, Riichi recognized the importance of empathy.
In this manner, Riichi steadily built his career as an expert in child psychology. One day, the publication of a private sector town magazine fell into his lap. Initially, his wife was the one that volunteered first to help out as an assistant. That made Riichi determined to become an author to support the publication of a town magazine fostering the local community.

Soon thereafter, he experienced another tragedy. His wife, who had understood him so well, died suddenly. He fell into a deep despair and sadness. In spite of this experience, he did not give up on writing. His career took a dual track: his work at the child consultation center and the work his late wife wanted to pursue.
“I wanted to keep working hard for my wife.” Following articles about how to resolve troubles in child-rearing, Riichi continued writing to help shed light on children’s mental health. Before he noticed, 17 years had passed since his first article in the town magazine. He had published a book compilation of his articles at the request of readers.
“I hope to continue my writing to help provide my readers with information that will benefit them.” Riichi continues writing with this goal in mind.

日本網膜色素変性症協会(JRPS)の研修会にて 2016年10月


Profile /経歴

安部利一 Riichi Abe


Born in Shimane Prefecture in 1939.
Currently a school counselor commissioned by the Shimane Prefectural Board of Education. Part-time at Matsugaoka Hospital. Part-time at Ochi Heart Clinic. Part-time lecturer at Shimane Iwami Advanced Nursing School. He is a clinical psychologist and a licensed psychologist.
