- JEPAA Member
- Western-style paint
- Norio Nakajima
- 洋画
- 中島規雄
© 2025 Norio Nakajima.
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Interview article /対談記事
2023年特別対談 中島規雄×ジョゼフ・バルバラ
ジョゼフ・バルバラ(以下 ジョゼフ):中島先生の こちらの作品について教えていただいてもよろしいで しょうか。
中島規雄(以下 中島):この上の花が百合で、下の果実がイチジクです。これは見た人が自由に解釈してく れればいいんですけれども、何よりもこの絵で注目し ていただきたいのは色の分布です。これらのモチーフ を手段としてどう色彩の表現をするかということに主眼を置いたものがこの作品です。
ジョゼフ:西洋絵画の影響が強く表れているように感 じるのですがいかがでしょうか?
中島:確かに西洋の絵画はよく研究しましたね。ただ 西洋絵画の巨匠たちが描かないようなものを描くよう に心がけています。自分の絵を確立したいと思って制作をしています。
ジョゼフ:そうですね、影響は感じられますが、やはり独自のスタイルを持っているように見受けられます。そういえば中島先生は5月のJEPAA の展覧会で は個展ブースで複数展作品を出展されていましたね。 とても注目されていましたし、先生の作品の感想を述 べられる方が多かったです。
中島:そうでしたか。そう言っていただけてよかった です。マルタは城塞都市でとても美しいとお伺いしていて、行ってみたいと思いながら結局行くことができ ていません。作品だけでも見ていただければとても嬉 しいです。
ジョゼフ:きっと多くのマルタの人々が中島先生の絵 に魅了されたでしょう。とても素晴らしい展示でした。こうした良い作品を制作 する上で大切にしている ことはありますか?
中島:いろんな材料、さまざまな描き方で多様な 作品を制作していきたい と思っていますね。作品 にしたいイメージが浮か んだら、小さいサイズの 紙の中で何度もエスキー ス(下絵の制作) をして、イメージを具体的にしていくようにしています。色もどのように配置して いくかもこの工程で決まってきます。私の場合モチー フと相談して絵は描きません。何かの対象を見て描く ようなことはしないんです。思い浮かんだものをエスキースの中に描き、それを形にしていくようにしてい ます。
ジョゼフ:正確に写しとるということはしないのですか。道理で発想が柔軟で非常に面白い作品と感じられ るんですね。既に中島先生は絵にはたどり着いた考え 方があるように思うのですがそこに達した経緯をお話 しいただけますか。
中島:絵を描き始めた時には私にも指導者がいて、絵の描き方を教えていただきました。ここで学ぶことと いうのは技術なんですね。ただ絵の本質みたいなもの は教えてくれるわけではない。自分で気づく必要があるわけです。素晴らしい先生のもとで学べば技術は上達するかもしれない。ですが、技術という点でそう いった素晴らしい先生 を超えることは非常に 難しい。だから私は自 分で答えを見つける絵 を描き続けてきたわけ です。何枚も描き、模索をすることでやっと 自分の考え方を持って 制作できるようになったと思っています。
ジョゼフ:それが先生の絵画の哲学ということですね。そこで掴んだ本質はどういったものだった のでしょうか?
中島:西洋の絵というのはまず「主役」があり、それ を際立たせるために周りのものが「脇役」として描か れることが多いです。私はそれだと主役以外のモチー フが可哀そうだと思いました。「脇役」として描かれた モチーフの多くは暗く描かれて、「主役」にしか注目が いかないから絵が小さく見えてしまうんです。 だから私は全てのモチーフが際立つように描いて、それぞれのモチーフが何かを訴えているように描くよう にしています。そうすると見る人の視点が画面全体に 行き渡って絵が広くなるんですよ。それが行き過ぎる と抽象的になりすぎてそれぞれの主張がぼやけてしま います。だからその絶妙なバランスを保ってそれぞれ の要素の個性感じられるような絵を描くようにしてい ますね。
中島:自分の絵の前に1 秒でも長く立っていて欲しい と感じますね。だからこそタイトルも「りんご」や「オレンジ」ではなくタイトルを読んだ人がこれはどうい う意味なんだろう?と考える余白が生まれるような言 葉を入れるようにしています。
ジョゼフ:実際、中島先生の絵の前では、多くの人々 が足を止め、まるで魅入られたように画面を見つめて いました。先生の方法論や理念はしっかりと結実して いると私は思いますよ。ぜひこれからも素晴らしい絵 を描き続けてください。
2023 Special Talk Session Norio Nakajima×Joseph Barbara
Drawing out the essence of painting with diverse expressions and unwavering faith
Joseph Barbara: Mr. Nakajima, may I ask you about this work of yours?
Norio Nakajima: Well, the flower at the top is a lily, and the fruit at the bottom is a fig. The viewer is free to interpret these motifs as he or she sees fit, but more than anything else, I would like to draw your attention to the distribution of colors in this painting. The main focus of this work is on how to use these motifs as a means of expressing color. Joseph: It seems to me that this work has been strongly influenced by Western painting.
Nakajima: Yes, I have studied Western painting styles very closely. However, I try to paint what the masters of Western painting do not paint. I am working to establish my own style of painting.
Joseph: Yes, the influence is evident, but I can still see that you have your own style. Speaking of which, at the JEPAA exhibition in May, you exhibited several works in your solo booth. They attracted a great deal of attention, and many people commented on your work.
Nakajima: Is that so? I’m glad to hear you say so. I’ve heard that Malta’s fortified city is very beautiful, and I’ve always wanted to visit, but I’ve never been able to go. I’m just pleased that people could see my work.
Joseph: I’m sure that many people in Malta were fascinated by your paintings. It was a wonderful exhibition. What do you consider important in creating great works of art like this?
Nakajima: I like to create a variety of works with different materials and in different styles of painting. Once I have an image of what I want to create, I try to flesh out the image by making several preliminary sketches (esquisse) on small sheets of paper. During this process, I also determine how the colors will be arranged. In my case, I do not paint by negotiating with the subject. I mean, I don’t look at some object and simply paint it. I draw whatever comes to my mind as I do the preliminary sketches, then try to give it shape.
Joseph: You don’t try to make an accurate copy? It’s no wonder that your work feels very interesting and flexible in its approach. It seems that you already have a certain way of thinking about painting, but could you tell us how you arrived at that point?
Nakajima: When I started painting, I also had a mentor who taught me how to paint. So what you learn here is technique. But they don’t teach you things like the essence of painting. You have to realize this by yourself. If you study under an amazing teacher, you may improve your technique. However, it is very difficult to surpass such a great teacher in terms of technique alone. That’s why I have continued to paint pictures in which I find the answers on my own. I believe that through creating lots of paintings and searching, I finally gained the ability to create following my own way of thinking.
Joseph: So that is your philosophy of painting. What was the essence of your understanding? Nakajima: In Western painting styles, there is a “main character” first, and then surrounding objects are often depicted as “supporting characters” to highlight the main character. I felt that this was rather a pity for the subjects other than the main characters. Many of the motifs painted as“ supporting characters” are painted darkly, and only the “main character” gets attention, which makes the picture look smaller. That is why I try to paint all the motifs so that they stand out, with each motif appealing to the viewer for some reason or other. This way, the viewer’s perspective is spread across the entire plane of the image, and the picture becomes more encompassing. But if I go too far, the painting becomes too abstract and each element becomes blurred. So I try to maintain a perfect balance between the two and create a picture in which the individuality of each element is evident.
Joseph: The eyes naturally move to the various motifs, and the composition draws the viewer’s attention to all parts of the picture.
Nakajima: I want viewers to stand in front of my paintings for even a second longer than they otherwise might. That is why my titles are not simply“ Apples” or“ Oranges”—I try to include words and phrases that give the viewers room to wonder what the title means.
Joseph: In fact, many people stopped in front of your paintings and gazed at them as if mesmerized. So I believe that your methodology and philosophy are bearing fruit. I hope you will continue to create wonderful paintings like this.
2023年特別対談 中島規雄×ゲルマー・トモコ
ゲルマー・トモコ(以下 ゲルマー):中島先生は、40 歳から絵を始められたそうですね。しかも、ほとんど一人で研鑽されてきたとのことですが。
中島規雄(以下 中島):はい、40 歳ごろから生涯の生き様を考えて、絵を描くようになりました。師と仰ぐ絵の先生もおられたのですが、師事した時点ですでに82歳だったので、習い始めて三年位で亡くなってしまって、それ以降は師匠という立場の人はいないまま今に至っています。
中島:40 歳頃、この先の人生をどう生きようかと考えたのです。何か趣味を持った方がいいだろう、じゃあ何がいいか…と、その時に思い浮かんだのが絵でした。幸い会社の部下が先生を紹介してくれまして、それが最初にお話しした絵の先生だったのです。その方の指導で具象を真剣に学び、質感を描くというところまで教わりましたね。
ゲルマー:40 歳からというのも大きかったように感じます。その分、非常に濃い時間を過ごされてきたのは、大変かもしれませんが、乗り越えられる人には幸福な時間だったように思います。最後に、先生の絵を通してどんな思いを伝えていきたいですか。
中島:1 分でも長く自分の作品の前にいてほしい。という思いで制作をしています。そして楽しい時間を過ごしてほしいと思っています。私のモットーは、「楽しくおしゃれに」なので、心が暖かくなるモチーフを描いているんです。絵を見た人はホッとしてその時を楽しんでもらいたいです。
2023 Special Talk Session Norio Nakajima×Tomoko Germar
With the credo ‘fun and fashionable’, he has built a rich world of expression.
Tomoko Germar: Mr. Nakajima, I understand you started painting from the age of 40? And I hear you devoted yourself to it on your own.
Nakajima Norio: Yes, from the age of 40 I thought about how I should carry on life, and started to paint pictures. I had a painting teacher whom I looked up to as my guide, but he was already 82 when I entered his teaching and he died around three years after I began studying. After that I continued without the presence of a teacher, and here I am now.
Germar: I see. Today I’d like to ask you about that time, but firstly may I ask you about the artwork you are exhibiting at the Ikebukuro exhibition?
Nakajima: This artwork is called “Chatting.” Painting pictures is fundamentally depicting an object set before the eyes in the form that it appears. However, I wanted to appeal to those viewing my art that everything, once made into a motif, has the same power connections. If you portray it so that eyes only go towards the main player, the things portrayed around it will take a mere side role. Of course, even this artwork has a motif with a role meant to be the main player, but I have depicted it so that there are other focal points as well. One device is to use faded color. People look at it and the title, and wonder what is being depicted here, don’t they? I painted considering how I could keep the viewer in front of the artwork for as long as possible.
Germar: I see, that is definitely an important perspective. So the titles are not things like apple or still life, are they? The eyes naturally go to different places, so it’s very enjoyable. As a still life it shouldn’t contain movement, yet I can sense movement in this artwork.
Nakajima: Thank you very much. When I paint I think about how I must paint to give enjoyment. And I painted this picture so the gaze goes around in circles. You see, I aimed for a picture where the focal point for the viewer shifts from one point to another.
Germar: You have also thought well about the juxtaposition of the glasses, and the position of the fruit, haven’t you? As you say, Mr. Nakajima, it is an extremely enjoyable picture.
Nakajima: Yes. I painted the table at the bottom of the picture with a different right corner and left corner. I put these kind of tricks in the minute details, too.
Germar: There is certainly no wasted space. It is interesting how the glasses have completely different shapes to them. You have also painted numerous artworks in many other different styles, I think.
Nakajima: At present I paint a lot of pictures without any black outline. My newest work also has no black lines, and is painted using a series of planes. There are no angles as I want to bring out roundness.
Germar: That reminds me, I also hear you make prints.
Nakajima: Yes. I do copper plate prints, silk screens and lithographs, too. I tried out almost all printing techniques. I feel that it is important to be curious and try things out in any genre.
Germar: When I see your various artworks, the range of expression is so wide I cannot believe they are all created by the same person.
Nakajima: I’ve looked at a lot of pictures and tried to incorporate those techniques in my own painting. However, what is shared by all my artworks is the blank space that is common to Japanese calligraphy and painting. I put much importance on the balance between the blank space and the juxtaposition of motifs.
Germar: I can tell you are eager to study things, and that passion is fantastic. What led you to get so enthusiastic?
Nakajima: At around the age of 40, I thought about how I should live the rest of my life. I thought, it would be best to have a hobby, what would be good….?—It was painting that came to mind at that time. Fortunately, a junior in my office introduced me to a teacher, and that was the painting teacher I talked about earlier. Under that person’s guidance I studied representation in earnest, and was even taught how to portray textures.
Germar: That sounds like destiny, since you had not once painted a picture until then.
Nakajima: I’m lucky I was able to meet a good teacher. That might have been the reason I never wavered. Also because I was starting from nothing, I was able to study in all seriousness.
Germar: I sense that starting from the age of 40 was a big factor, too. Although it may have been hard spending such concentrated time on it in that way, I believe times of fortune lie ahead for those who are able to overcome it. Finally, what kind of thoughts do you hope to convey through your pictures?
Nakajima: I want people to stay, be it one minute longer, in front of my pictures. That’s the thought I have when I am painting. And I’m also thinking that I’d like them to spend an enjoyable time there. My motto is “With enjoyment and style,” so I paint motifs to warm the heart. I hope that people viewing my pictures will find relief and enjoy their time.
Germar: That’s wonderful. Thank you very much.
Solo Exhibition /個展
特設個展ブースin 日欧宮殿芸術祭2024
主催:一般社団法人 日欧宮殿芸術協会
Solo Exhibition in JEPAA Festival 2024
Date: April 20th – 22th, 2024
Venue: Charlottenburg Palace, Berlin, Germany
Organizer: Japan-Europe Palace Art Association
Operated by: Create IMS Co., Ltd.
特設個展ブースin 日欧宮殿芸術祭2023
主催:一般社団法人 日欧宮殿芸術協会
Solo Exhibition in JEPAA Festival 2023
Date: May 12th – 14th, 2023
Venue: Charlottenburg Palace, Berlin, Germany
Organizer: Japan-Europe Palace Art Association
Operated by: Create IMS Co., Ltd.
Profile /経歴
中島規雄 Norio Nakajima
Born : 1925
Member : Japan Artist Association,Sozo-bijyutu