• JEPAA Member
  • Poet Artist
  • Madoka Wakasa
  • 詩人 アーティスト
  • 若狹麻都佳


Portfolio /作品一覧

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Solo Exhibition /個展

特設個展ブースin 日欧宮殿芸術祭2024
主催:一般社団法人 日欧宮殿芸術協会

Solo Exhibition in JEPAA Festival 2024
Date: April 20th – 22th, 2024
Venue: Charlottenburg Palace, Berlin, Germany
Organizer: Japan-Europe Palace Art Association
Operated by: Create IMS Co., Ltd.

Profile /経歴

若狹麻都佳  Madoka Wakasa

出版 /『それは白い雲の色をしていた』(潮流出版社)、『卵のきもち』(思潮社)、『片目に棲む鳩』(思潮社)、『女神の痣』(思潮社)。
現在 / 詩誌「密造者」同人、秋田現代詩人会会員、日本現代詩人会会員、日本文藝家協会会員、日欧宮殿芸術協会会員。

Born in Akita Prefecture in the fall of 1959. Graduated from Toho Gakuen School of Art.
Recipient of Third-place winner in the Tohoku Literary Arts Contest, the Akita Contemporary Poet Award, the Living Words Exhibition Prize in commemoration of Akira Kurosawa's 100th birthday, the Special Jury Prize of Japan's Art, the International Women of Honor Award, the India International Peace Prize, and the Malta Gold Medal at the Japan-Europe Palace Arts Festival.
Publications include "It Was the Color of White Clouds" (Choryu Publishing), "The Feelings of an Egg" (Shicho-sha), "The Pigeon that lives in One Eye" (Shicho-sha), and "The Goddess's Birthmark" (Shicho-sha).
Currently, a member of the "Bootlegger" poetry magazine, the Akita Contemporary Poets Association, the Japan Contemporary Poets Association, the Japan Literary Artists' Association, and the Japan-Europe Palace Arts Association.
