- JEPAA Member
- Haiku
- Keiko Nagai
- 俳句
- 永井啓子
© 2025 Keiko Nagai.
Portfolio /作品一覧
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Profile /経歴
永井啓子 Keiko Nagai
1942年 静岡県出身
1999年 結社「逢」入会、熊谷愛子主宰に師事
2000年 結社「逢」同人
2011年 俳誌「アネモネ」入会、谷川昇先生に師事
Born in Shizuoka Prefecture, 1942
1999: Joined the poetry society “Ai” under the guidance of Aiko Kumagai.
2000: Became a core member of “Ai.”
2011: Joined the haiku magazine Anemone and studied under Teacher Noboru Tanikawa.
Former member of the Modern Haiku Association, Shizuoka Modern Haiku Association, and Shizuoka Haiku Association.
Down of Sunlight (2010)
In the Wind (2024)
Countries where works have been exhibited (in connection with JEPAA projects):Germany, France, Canada,Singapore and more.