• JEPAA Member
  • Tanka
  • Iichi Marumo
  • 短歌
  • 丸茂伊一


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Profile /経歴

丸茂伊一 Iichi Marumo

1929年長野県生まれ。旧制中学を卒業後、陸軍特別幹部候補生となり、15歳の時に終戦を迎える。 復員後は実家に戻り農業に従事。1962年から3期にわたり地元茅野市の市議会議員を務める。

Born in Nagano Prefecture in 1929. After graduating from the former middle school system, he became a Special Cadet Officer Candidate in the Army and witnessed the end of the war at the age of 15.
After returning home, he worked in agriculture at his family’s farm. From 1962, he served three terms as a city council member for Chino City.
Former President and Chairman of the Chino City Japan-China Friendship Association.
Former Head of the tanka poetry association “Himuro.”
Guinness World Record holder for “World’s Oldest Speed Skater.”
Exhibition of Works(JEPAA):Germany, France, Canada, Singapore, and others.
