• JEPAA Member
  • Western-style paint
  • Hiroshi Arikado
  • 洋画
  • 有角博


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Art history /アートヒストリー

幼い頃から絵を描くのが好きだった博少年は、し かし「絵描きになりたい」という夢に向き合えない まま、年齢を重ねていく。時代の波に翻弄されなが らも絵への情熱を忘れなかった1人の画家の半生を、 彼の純粋な言葉と共に振り返りたい。

有角博は1930年11月10日、富山県高岡市で長男と して生まれました。幼少の頃からおとなしく、活発 に遊ぶよりも家の中で絵を描いて遊ぶ少年でした。 小学校の低学年の頃には、何枚も描いた軍艦の絵を 横に並べて眺めることが彼にとっての小さな楽しみ でした。また当時住んでいた家は駅の引込み線がよ く見える場所にあり、博少年は往来する列車や整備 される様子をつぶさに観察していました。この頃の 経験が後に彼が描く風景画において重要な観察眼を 養っていく端緒となったのかもしれません。

中学進学後、太平洋戦争が次第に激化を極めてい きました。 小柄で痩せていた博少年にとって辛いことばかり の日々でしたが、中でも特に苦痛を極めたのが教練 の時間でした。当時の男子の教練は兵隊訓練そのものであり、時には実際の鉄砲を手にしての訓練まで強いられたそうです。さらに終戦の数ヶ月前から学徒動員として工場へ働きに出ることになりました。大好きな絵を描くこともできず、ただ戦争が終わるまでじっと耐えるしかなかったのです。「今思えば、なんとも惨めな時代だった」と当時のことを振り返ります。そんな苛烈な戦争の日々は、中学3年生の夏に終わりを迎えました。

ようやく日本が終戦のショックから立ち直ろう とする頃、博少年は中学を卒業し、金沢市の高等 師範学校の数学科への進学を決めました。一時は 美術科への進学に心が傾いたものの、家族の経済 状況や将来の生活のことを鑑み、数学科を選択す ることにしました。しかしこの時、その胸の内に は「いつか絶対に絵を描こう」という強い決意が 秘められていたのです。 在学中には戦争によって奪われた時間を取り戻 すように、勉学、芸術、クラシック音楽、読書、 登山、囲碁など、彼は多岐にわたる趣味や活動に 取り組みました。 中でも友人たちと共に金沢の名所を描いて回っ たことは今なお彼にとって特別な思い出です。






Little Hiroshi loved to draw pictures, but he grew older without being able to fulfill his dream of becoming an artist. Let us take a peek into the life of a painter who was tossed about by the waves of the times but never forgot his passion for painting, accompanied by his pure words.

Observant eyes nurtured as a boy
Hiroshi Arikado was born on November 10, 1930, in Takaoka City, Toyama Prefecture as the eldest son. From an early age, he was a quiet boy who drew pictures inside the house rather than actively playing outside. In the early years of elementary school, one of his small pleasures was to lay his many drawings of warships side by side and admire them. The house where he lived at the time had a clear view of the station’s pocket track, and little Hiroshi was able to observe in detail the trains coming and going, and the maintenance work being done. This experience may have been the beginning of the development of his eye for observation that would later become important in his landscape paintings.

Student days
After entering junior high school, the Pacific War gradually intensified. Hiroshi, who was small and skinny, endured days filled with hardships, but the most torturous were the hours of military-style training. The boys’ training was akin to actual soldiering, and sometimes they were even forced to handle real firearms. Additionally, a few months before the war’s end, he was mobilized to work in a factory as part of the student labor force. “Looking back, it was a profoundly miserable era,” he reflects. Deprived of his cherished pastime of painting, he could only persevere until the conflict ceased. These severe wartime days concluded in the summer of his third year in junior high school.

From higher normal school days to teaching
When Japan began to recuperate from the war’s cessation, Hiroshi graduated from junior high and opted to attend a higher normal school in Kanazawa City, selecting its mathematics department. He contemplated studying art but chose mathematics due to financial constraints and future security concerns. However, he harbored a steadfast resolution to return to painting one day.
During his time at school, he eagerly embraced the opportunity to recapture the time lost to the war, engaging in an array of pursuits like academia, art, classical music, reading, mountain climbing, and Go. Of particular note were his excursions with friends to sketch the renowned sites of Kanazawa, creating enduring memories. Kenrokuen was a favored haunt he often depicted. Despite downplaying his efforts as “unprofessional,” these jaunts for communal artistry and the ensuing discussions in cafes, serenaded by classical music, forged indelible memories for him.
After graduating, he chose a career as a teacher, teaching mathematics in high schools. However, as his work became busier, he had less and less time to paint, and it was not until after he retired that he picked up the brush again.

As an artist
At the age of 70, Arikado decided to fully immerse himself into the world of painting. This was triggered by his friend, who said, “Let’s paint together.” These words reawakened his once dormant passion for painting. Around 2000, he built a gallery next to his own house and constructed a shared space to exhibit paintings with his friends. Since then, what started as a two-person group has gradually expanded, and now, 12 friends gather at the gallery to continue their activities as the painting group Madoka. Madoka is represented by Arikado, who says, “I do not lead the group, nor am I in a position to teach. Rather, it is a group of people who learn together with their peers and enjoy painting,” he emphasizes. In painting, Arikado places great importance on his themes. An important element of his work is to face the subject of his paintings and communicate, through his art, why he was moved by it. He has always taken up the brush at the moment he was moved by something and expressed that emotion through his work. Therefore, he says, each of his work represents the reason why he was moved in that particular instance. He painted those moments to share them with his friends.
Arikado recalls that his life seems to have been about confronting the act of painting. “I loved drawing as a child, and when it came to choosing a career path, I was torn between math and art. After making my choice, I completely withdrew from painting for a long time, but now I am painting like this with my friends. I am sure I will continue to paint. Painting brings me inexpressible joy.”


Solo Exhibition /個展

特設個展ブースin 日欧宮殿芸術祭2024
主催:一般社団法人 日欧宮殿芸術協会

Solo Exhibition in JEPAA Festival 2024
Date: April 20th – 22th, 2024
Venue: Charlottenburg Palace, Berlin, Germany
Organizer: Japan-Europe Palace Art Association
Operated by: Create IMS Co., Ltd.

Profile /経歴

有角博 Hiroshi Arikado

1930年 富山県高岡市出身
2006年 有角博画集発刊
絵画グループまどか 主宰

Works:Publication of Hiroshi Ariyoshi’s Art Collection(2006)
Founder:Madoka Art Group
