• JEPAA Member
  • Poems / Tanka
  • Yoriko Minegishi
  • 詩/短歌
  • 峰岸順子


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Interview article /対談記事










ザンダー:本当に、峰岸先生のおっしゃる通りだと思います。衝動書きのお話で、内から湧き上がってくるものがあるから詩が書けると言われましたよね。私は詩ではなく絵ですが、風景を描く際は、葉っぱを1 枚1 枚とか書くんではないんですね。キャンバスの前に立って、描き上げるまで、誰とも絶対話しません。どうしてかっていうと、自分はその世界にいて、その世界から引き戻されたくないからです。自分の世界の中でその景色を見て、そして、色とかリズムだとか、そういうものが自分の中に流れてくるんですね。その流れを書いているんですね。


ザンダー:ただ、その世界というのは、人それぞれなんですよね。1 人で、その世界に入っていく。詩も同じだと思うんですけども、その中に入っていく。そのとき、それぞれ、10 人の人がいれば、10 人違うふうに入っていくかもしれない。でも、それでいいんだと思うんですね。誰かが、これはこうだという必要は全くないわけで。全ての創造物というのは、似ているのかもしれません。最後に、日本とドイツ双方で活躍されている峰岸先生から見て、両国の交流がこれからさらに深まる上で、どんなことが必要と思われますか?



(2019年特別対談 峰岸順子×クラウス=メンツ・ザンダー)

The representatives of poetry and paintings explore the source of creation beyond genres

Klaus Menz-Sander (hereinafter referred to as “Sander”): Seeing as how you are a poet and I am a painter, I would like to have a conversation with you today about your thoughts on poetry as well as the differences that we have in our artistic expression. First of all, I’d like to mention that even as a German, I was able to immediately picture the scene as I was reading “Fall,” which was the poem you exhibited this time.

Yoriko Minegishi (hereinafter referred to as “Minegishi”): I was a farmer, so I used to work with rice and paddy fields. During the fall, I would also plow through the paddy fields with my farming tools and machines. So I wrote this poem while having this particular scene in mind. I’m glad that you were able to picture this scene too.

Sander: The impression that your poem gives off is similar to that of German poetry. I thought that it was similar in terms of the sound and the rhythm I felt as I was reading it. These two aspects are very important in poetry. So how do you write such an original poem like this?

Minegishi: My works are pieces of writing that I write out of complete impulse from time to time. At times when I’m able to write a poem, there’s a feeling that bubbles up from inside of me. So I think impulse writing is the best way of expressing myself without leaving anything behind.

Sander: I’ve always considered dance, music, and painting to be the pillars of creation. However, when I came to Japan and read the works of excellent poets like yourself, I learned that poetry had to be added as the fourth pillar of creation.

Minegishi: Thank you.

Sander: As you were talking about your technique of impulse writing, I was reminded of Dadaism, which was a popular artistic movement during World War I. Dadaism was followed by poets from countries all over the world who fled to Switzerland as a result of the war. The artworks that were formed under this movement were created based on the artists’ resistance to the war as well as the sense of void they had felt due to the war. So what these artists did at the time was to create unconscious and meaningless pieces of art that resisted all conscious efforts and defied all prior history, experiences and philosophies in art. Therefore, poetry was nothing more than just the rhythm and pronunciation of words back then.

Minegishi: I guess these artists were just trying to express the overwhelming emotions they were feeling. I also feel as though writing a poem based on rhythm and sound alone would be difficult, but this may have been something that was needed in order to express those sort of emotions.

Sander: I think you’re completely right about that. When you were talking about impulse writing, you mentioned that you were able to write poems because of a feeling that bubbles up inside of you. For me, when I paint sceneries, I don’t really paint every single leaf I see. I simply just stand in front of my canvas and paint without speaking a word to anyone until I’m done. I do this because when I’m painting, I feel as though I’m in another world that I do not wish to be pulled back from. Also, when I’m looking at the scenery within my own world, I can sense the colors and rhythms flowing through me as well. So I paint while being guided by these sensations.

Minegishi: Well for me, I write on impulse since I’m not really sure when the feeling will come up. And whenever it does come up, I make sure to write something down immediately.

Sander: But the “world” I mentioned earlier is something that varies depending on the individual. So it’s a world that each person goes into alone. I think it’s the same with poetry, since there must be a different world that poets go into as well. So if there are ten people writing a poem, all ten of these people may have different ways of entering into this world. But I think it’s fine this way since there’s no need for anyone to dictate how things should be. If this wasn’t the case, then all creations may end up being similar to one another. Lastly, as someone who’s active in both Japan and Germany, what do you think is needed in further deepening the exchange between the two countries?

Minegishi: I think each person has their own feelings and desires concerning things such as life and peace. So it’s important for us to be able to mutually appreciate the poetry, paintings and other forms of art we create that express such feelings. I think that gaining a mutual understanding about the artistic intentions and feelings behind each other’s artworks will also allow the two countries to foster a deeper understanding and sentiments towards one another.

Sander: That’s exactly right. Since this is my first time coming to Japan and being given such an opportunity to interview Japanese artists, I felt confused and uneasy at first. But just like you said, when artists are together, we’re able to express our feelings and sentiments to one another through our creative activities and works. Thanks to this, I was able to enjoy the precious time that I had with you today. So thank you very much for today. If I were to be given the opportunity to meet you again next time, I would surely gain a better understanding of you and your poems.

(2019 Special Talk: Junko Minegishi and Klaus Menz-Sander)


峰岸順子(以下 峰岸):初めまして、峰岸順子です。今日はよろしくお願いします。













アニータ:これからの創作活動についてはいかがですか? どんな詩を作ってみたいですか?





(2018年特別対談 峰岸順子×アニータ・チェルペッロニ)

A compassionate poet who writes lovingly about
her days with her family.

Yoriko Minegishi: Hello, my name is Yoriko Minegishi. I’m happy to be here today.

Anita: I’m Anita. Thank you for making the time to talk with me today. I’d like to ask you about your poems, if I could.

Minegishi: The way I create poems is I write down the things that occur to me throughout the day. And since I only occasionally get such impulses, I never know when a new poem will get written. I let my muses decide.

Anita: I understand — art isn’t something that gets made on a schedule. It comes out, suddenly, the closer we listen to our hearts.

Minegishi: Poetry, to me, is like music flowing through my heart. Just being present — without intending to make it or be conscious of it — is the important thing. This poem is an ode to babies. It speaks to babies nobody has yet seen, growing bigger in the womb, to babies whose birth is in the offing.

Anita: Talking with you, I can really feel how much you enjoy making poems. Poems are supposed to be things that convey, in short sentences, what’s in the heart. It is a much more difficult pursuit than most people think. Communicating what’s in the heart to someone else in a readily-understandable way and getting them to feel the same emotions — that’s really something special.

Minegishi: It’s very gratifying to hear you say that. But in my case, I am simply continuing to write down the words that come. The poems simply form by themselves.

Anita: Your poems play a big role in artistic exchange between Japan and Europe. In Venice, at least, many people have learned much about how Japan is today through your poems. Going forward, is there anything that you hope to be able to accomplish through your poems?

Minegishi: I’ve never had any such special ambition. But my poems were originally intended to be messages — records of what was in my heart — for my much younger sister. Nowadays I’m happy for others to read them, as well. That is what made me put all of my poems together into a book. And since I released the book, I have been hearing from people all over, and I have found readers in so many places in Japan and elsewhere through art exhibitions and other things. I never imagined that this would happen when I released the book. I consider myself blessed in that sense.

Anita: Having someone else understand your feelings is truly something special, isn’t it? That fact is what allows us to achieve further learning and growth.

Minegishi: Exactly. And because I have no control over whether my pieces appear at exhibitions and things, the only thing I’ve yet done myself as a poet has been to release this book. In the years ahead, I don’t think I will be doing anything else like this.

Anita: But it’s wonderful how you can express inspirational things in words, regardless of whether or not you can speak the language. Very few people can fully express how they feel in words. Reading your poetry, I can feel he things that move you while at the same time feeling moved, myself. When I read this poem, I was reminded of the excitement I felt when my own child was born. The words that didn’t come to me at the time are beautifully articulated in your poems.

Minegishi: Thank you.

Anita: How do you see your career as a poet going forward? What kinds of poetry do you want to write?

Minegishi: My poems arise from impulsively putting words to paper; willfully attempting to write one doesn’t really work for me. Still, I do  hope to always keep that youthful frame of mind that allows me to feel things that I could make into poetry at any time.

Anita: Lastly, what role do you think art will have in our increasingly globalized world of today?

Minegishi: Artistic expression is the first step to understanding each other. Though we may differ in race or culture, we all feel things. Expressing these feelings to each other lets us understand one another, which I believe leads to peace. It is through art that we can each express our thoughts and hopes, which makes it an important part of achieving peace.

Anita: That exact philosophy is what guides me as an artist, as well. Let’s keep doing what we do — to better understand each other regardless of linguistic barriers. Thank you for talking with me today.

(2018 Special Talk: Junko Minegishi and Anita Cerpelloni)


Art History /アートヒストリー











四十路にて逝きし母の亡骸に 手枕かけて祖母は添い寝す

ふる里の墓に眠れる母よりも 年上となりて母なお愛し







Yoriko Minegishi has flourished as a poet. Since the publication of My Love Poems in 1976, Minegishi has been active as a poet for over 40 years, consistently dedicating her work on expressing “love” during this time. She had gone through a childhood of admiring literature,  adolescent years overcoming a painful loss, and officially taking on literary arts as a career.
Here, we would like to introduce the trajectory of Minegishi’s “literature of love” developed over the course of her life journey full of ups and downs.

Early Childhood

Yoriko Minegishi was born on March 1, 1939 in Sukagawa Town (now Sukagawa City) in Fukushima Prefecture. She came from a very lively, large family with six siblings, and she lived together with her grandparents.
Sukagawa is known as a land with a rich history.It is home to the ruins of Otsujigataki Falls from the Paleolithic period and the site of an abandoned Buddhist altar from the Nara and Heian periods. During the Kamakura period, it prospered as the castle town of the Nikaido clan, who were famous as influential vassals. However, during the Sengoku period, the town fell after invasion by Masamune Date, and since the Edo period, it developed as a post town for the Shirakawa clan. Today, Sukagawa City forms part of the Koriyama metropolitan area, which is the second largest urban area in the Tohoku region. It is also known as the gateway to the Tohoku region, with Fukushima Airport located in the city. Despite its urban development, since the area is rich in water resources with the Abukuma River, the second longest river in Tohoku, traversing the eastern part of the prefecture, it is also home to many farmers. Minegishi’s family has been farmers for many generations, with her parents and grandparents also busy working day and night.
Under these circumstances, the rich nature of the Sukagawa River became Minegishi’s playmate. “On the way home from school, instead of walking on the road, we walked along the edge of the river, went over the hills, or walked in the mountains. I liked meandering. I was always taking detours. ”
The scenery she witnessed in her time spent with nature helped to foster her artistic sense used to create literary works.
At the same time, her encounter with poetry began with a homework assignment to compose a poem, which was given from her fourth grade homeroom teacher. Prior to this, she had written down her feelings, but these were nothing more than her simple musings. This encounter with poem writing, however, brought about the wonder of poetry composition to her previous writings.

School Years

Minegishi, who attended a local junior high and high school, became interested in literature following her encounter with poetry. She began to go to the school library more often, fostering a greater sense of language and compositional expression by reading various novels and poetry compilations. This also advanced her poetry composition skills.
Today, however, her approach to composing poetry surprisingly remains unchanged from her student days.
Minegishi’s approach to poetry involves “impulse writing.”
By using words to describe exactly what she is thinking or feeling, she is capable of instantly expressing her emotions at the moment. The foundation of this skill, of course, lies in the countless writings she’s been practicing as a child.
She must have already had the conviction as an artist not to make things look better, but to stick to what she wanted to do.
A symbol of this conviction is the story behind her tanka, or short Japanese poems, which she began at the age of 20. Minegishi had an interest in tanka poetry during the same time as when she learned poetry composition, but she chose to avoid reciting her work. This was a decision made because she intuitively understood that the unique rhythm and character limitation of waka poetry, as well as the unique aesthetics of kigo (seasonal words) and honkatori (adaptation of a famous poem), would be a hindrance to her young self.
It was then that tragedy struck Minegishi soon after enrolling in high school. Her mother suddenly passed away at the young age of 41. She was not always at home due to work, but Minegishi still remembers the sense of loss from her mother’s departure. Even after making her debut as a literary writer, many of Minegishi’s poems were about her late mother.

My grandmother used her arms as a pillow to sleep next to my late mother’s body after she passed in her forties

I’m now older than my mother who sleeps in the grave of our hometown, and I still love her

To date, Minegishi still has memories of her mother she will not forget.
“My mother worked until the sun went down. One day I walked to pick her up and on the way home she told me about the North Star and the Big Dipper shining in the sky above. This remains a very important memory of my mother. Recalling these memories brings a smile to my face. ”

Poetry composition and her large family helped to get her through this hard time.
Among her connections, her friendship with high school classmate Sakue Kurumada greatly stimulated Minegishi’s poetry. Overcoming this immense tragedy, Minegishi would eventually release her vibrantly creative works to a broader audience.

Career as a Literary Writer

Minegishi made hew official debut as a literary writer under somewhat unexpected circumstances. After getting married and moving in with her husband’s family, she found a number of her poems from her student days inside a box. Minegishi was surprised, and also felt a wave of nostalgia come over her. She decided to write a message to her sister nine years younger to her based on the writings she found.
This led her to self publish her maiden work called My Love Poems. Of course, it was rare for an author to self publish back in 1976. Unsure of the process, editing and publishing was filled with trial and error. With little money to spare, from editing to proofreading, she did everything she can on her own.
While her days of struggle ended for the time being with the delivery of the book to her sister, this marked the beginning of Minegishi’s journey as a poet. The book was distributed to nearby libraries, high schools, and other public facilities. People of all ages read Minegishi’s poems. The story of her life and her words used at every stage greatly moved their hearts.
Two decades later, through My Love Poems, she received offers from other publishers to publish the book again. Around that time, Minegishi had a growing desire to share the works that had spun her life, it seemed like a perfect opportunity that felt like fate.
Since then, Minegishi has greatly expanded on her work in literary art. As of 2023, her work has been translated into more than five languages and they have been highly praised around the world, with readership in Japan, Germany, France, Italy, Canada, among other countries. This is likely because people are seeking peaceful thoughts and connections between one and another, following the major turmoil facing the world in recent years.
Minegishi’s language of love was derived originally from her simple compassion for her family. We hope that more and more people will be able to read and pass down her work to others.

Solo Exhibition /個展

特設個展ブース in アートビエンナーレ2021
会場:The ART HOUSE(シンガポール)

Special Exhibition Booth in Art Biennale 2021
Dates: June 4-6, 2021
Venue: The ART HOUSE, Singapore
Planning and operation: CREATE IMS Co.

特設個展ブースin 日欧宮殿芸術祭2021
主催:一般社団法人 日欧宮殿芸術協会

Special Exhibition Booth in JEPAA Festival 2021
Dates: June 4-6, 2021
Venue: Charlottenburg Palace, Berlin, Germany
Organizer: Japan-Europe Palace Art Association
Operated by: Create IMS Co.

Profile /経歴

峰岸順子 Yoriko Minegishi

1939年 福島県出身

Born: 1939 Fukushima, Japan
Exhibition of Works(JEPAA): Germany, France, Malta, Canada…
