- JEPAA Member
- Sumi-Ink
- Ryo Aonuma
- 水墨画
- 青沼良
© 2025 Ryo Aonuma.
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- ひまわり/sun flower
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Interview article /対談記事



(2019年 青沼良×メンツ・ザンダー対談)
“Connecting a female ink artist to Germany and the dream of becoming a ballerin”

Klaus Menz-Sander (hereinafter referred to as “Sander”): I was really looking forward to seeing you today, Ms. Aonuma. The art of ink painting is very popular in Germany as well.
Ryo Aonuma (hereinafter referred to as “Aonuma”): Thank you. Other than the pieces I displayed at the exhibition today, I’ve also brought along some other paintings of mine.
Sander: That’s great. They all give off different impressions despite the fact that the same ink painting technique was used in all of them.
Aonuma: I normally use the things I’ve seen with my own eyes as motifs in my paintings.There are also people who paint while looking at photos. But that’s not something that I do. The grapes seen in this painting were personally planted and grown by myself. Thesewere also the grapes that finally grew sixteen years after the seeds were planted. This one is called a clivia, and it’s a type of orchid that’s native to Africa. The leaves also have a wonderful green color that lends a contrastive charm to the plant. This one isn’t a plant, but a bird called the crested kingfisher. I didn’t see it in person, but on TV. And as soon as I saw it, I immediately recorded it on video since I was very impressed by its black and white crest and thought that I could portray it in an ink painting as well.
Sander: Each and every leaf feels very much alive. I think your technique of artistic expression is excellent here. The feeling of the light can also be understood through the shading. Additionally, since ink paintings cannot be painted in a single stroke and must be painted in one sitting, it’s an art form that requires both skill and experience.
Aonuma: Yes, it also requires concentration.

Sander: In Germany, painters who excel in watercolor paintings are called the “king’s rule,” which means that if you’re able paint watercolor paintings, you’re also able to paint other styles of paintings. So it just goes to show that watercolor paintings are that much of an advanced form of art. But the same can be said about ink paintings too.
Aonuma: Thank you. The sunflowers in another painting I exhibited were also ones that we had grown ourselves. These were the beautiful flowers that bloomed after we planted and watered the seeds that my grandchild got from elementary school.
Sander: This is a wonderful painting where I can sense the powerful beauty of the sunflowers as well as the honest joy you must’ve felt when they bloomed. I also think that the lively feeling of the leaves adds a nice touch. The blurs and light hues of the ink are so beautiful. This sort of artistic expression is wonderful. After all, it’s the best quality and a fascinating aspect about ink paintings.
Aonuma: Yes, it’s the real charm of ink paintings.
Sander: Are the motifs of your works mainly flowering plants?
Aonuma: When painting the things I can see in places nearby such as my garden or the neighborhood park, I do end up painting flowers a lot of the time. I also paint ballerinas often. I first started liking ballet after I saw it for the first time during my high school days. Since then, I’ve consistently made my daughter and grandchildren learn it as well. I, too, picked up ballet at the age of 50 and kept on doing it up until seven years ago.
Sander: Really? I actually wanted to be a ballerina when I was younger too. However, I gave up on that dream after having all sorts of concerns. But even so, I still love ballet. Last year, I even planned on doing a painting of a musician playing improvised music to a ballet dancer’s movements.
Aonuma: I did not think that you’d also be doing ballet paintings. I’ve done quite a few paintings of Odette from Swan Lake and have painted Don Quixote before as well.
Sander: In Munich, there’s a week dedicated to ballet every year. I guess it’s a ballet festival. Each year, many events are held and I always try my best to see them all. However, it’s actually difficult to do that.
Aonuma: I used to live in Kobe a long time ago. During that time, I was also working for a company run by Germans. Because of my experiences back then, I’ve always liked Germany as a country. I was also looking forward to talking to you today and was really surprised to learn that we had many things in common. So I’m very happy that I was able to talk to you.
Sander: I also feel the same way about that. I got to meet the artist of the ink paintings I’m very interested in, and also got to talk to her about ballet. So it was really fun. Thank you very much.
(2019 Talk Session Ryo Aonuma and Klaus Menz-Sander )
Profile /経歴
青沼良 Ryo Aonuma
Born: Hyogo,Japan
Exhibition of Works(JEPAA): Germany, France, Malta, Canada…