• JEPAA Member
  • Haiku
  • Etsuko Abe
  • 俳句
  • 阿部悦子


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Interview article /対談記事

素直な心情で紡ぎ出される汚れなき 17 字の芸術

ゲルマー・トモコ(以下 ゲルマー):阿部先生の俳句、楽しく読ませていただいています。どの句も読んでいると景色が浮かんでくるのが素晴らしいですね。全て実体験を元にされていると伺いましたが、よろしければ詠む時のことなど教えてもらえないでしょうか?

阿部悦子(以下 阿部) : ありがとうございます。今回池袋展に出品している「ドラキュラに花束を買ふハロウィーン」の句も、実際に日常で起きたことを詠んだものです。花束を買おうと花屋さんに入ったら、ドラキュラに扮した花屋の亭主が出てきましてね、そうだ今日はハロウィーンだったということを思い出して、そのまま俳句にしたんですよ。


阿部:いえ、俳句を始めたのは偶然なんです。私はもともと青森県に住んでいたのですが、子どもたちが東京の大学に通うようになり、それと同時に私も東京に住むようになりました。そこで偶然、青森県出身の俳句の先生に出会い、同郷のよしみでその方の生徒になり俳句を始めて・・・かれこれもう 40 年近く経ちます。








阿部:俳句は海を越えて伝わっているんですね。ご存知の通り俳句は 17 文字でできる短い詩です。しかもその 17 文字には季語を使わなければいけないという決まりがあります。そこに俳句の美しさがありますが、もしそれを世界の方々が知っていただけているのであればそれは非常に嬉しいです。








(2022年特別対談 阿部悦子×ゲルマー・トモコ)

Unspoiled 17-word art spun from an honest heart.

Tomoko Germar: Ms. Abe, I really enjoy reading your haiku poetry. It is wonderful how every haiku evokes a scene when I read it. I’ve heard that all of your haiku are based on your own experiences. Could you tell us about how you compose your poetry?

Etsuko Abe: Thank you very much. The poem I am showing at the Ikebukuro exhibition,“Buy Dracula a Bouquet of Flowers for Halloween,” is a poem about something that actually happened in my daily life.I went into a flower shop to buy a bouquet of flowers, and the florist’s husband came out dressed as Dracula, which reminded me that day was Halloween. I just wrote the haiku as it was.

Germar: Is that so? I was impressed by your choice of words, and I thought the juxtaposition of two things not usually associated with each other, such as Dracula and a bouquet of flowers, was very refreshing. Hearing your story, I find the poem even more fascinating.Did you get some sort of start enabling you to create such wonderful haiku?

Abe: No, I started writing haiku by chance. I originally lived in Aomori Prefecture, but when my children started attending university in Tokyo, I mov ed to Tokyo. Then, by chance, I met a haiku teacher from Aomori Prefecture, and because we were from the same hometown, I started studying under that teacher and writing haiku. It’s been almost 40 years now.

Germar: I can feel the Japanese tradition in your works.

Abe: Yes, I think it is present. I wrote a haiku about a traditional hanagoza mat. A flower pattern is woven into the mat, and the bride changes her dress on it when she gets married. I wrote a poem about the scene where her obi sash falls on the hanagoza mat.

Germar: Your haiku about street performers is also wonderful because it really evokes the scene.In Germany, Halloween is an event that children look forward to eagerly. It is so adorable to see children going from house to house in costume.

Abe: In Japan, too, it has become a common sight.

Germar: I can imagine the scene of that time. It’s a very enjoyable poem. I think that’s why your haiku poetry is well received by people overseas.

Abe: I just try to convey honestly whatever I think and whatever I experience, just as it is. It’s something that came naturally to me. So people can understand haiku, even if it’s translated.

Germar: It is true that not many people understand the technical vocabulary, but I think the haikus about feelings are understood well. Many people enthusiastically share their impressions of the poems, and some even get teary-eyed at times. Although we may come from different countries or cultures, I think we are able to communicate with each other from the heart.Haiku is really popular in Germany now. In German schools, students are required to learn poetry, but sometimes they also learn haiku as a part of that. Children are learning the word “haiku”for this style of poetry.

Abe: Even all the way across the sea, haiku is being passed on, isn’t it? As you know, a haiku is a short poem of only 17 characters. And there is a rule that a seasonal word must be used within those 17 characters. That’s where the beauty of haiku lies, and if people around the world can see that, it makes me very happy.

Germar: Speaking of beauty, ever since you came into the room today, I have felt that you have wonderful posture, Ms. Abe. Both standing and sitting.

Abe: Thank you very much. I’ve been practicing Japanese dance for a long time, so perhaps that’s why.

Germar: That is wonderful. I think you possess all the beauty of mind, technique, and body. When I read your haiku, I especially feel that you express your own feelings very honestly. Your honest nature is conveyed through your haiku.

Abe: If my mind is impure, my haiku will also be impure, so I try not to let that happen. I’ve been writing haiku while studying other things besides haiku by always visiting libraries and bookstores to study. Haiku is almost like something that tells my own history. Ms. Germar, I would like to see you share the message of haiku even more widely. I would like to see people interpret my haiku in their own ways.

Germar: What do you think is the best thing about your work in haiku?

Abe: I’m glad that through my work, I can leave behind the things that move me the most. I feel that I need to leave the haiku I’ve composed to my descendants. Haiku is how I live my life.

Germar: I hope you will continue to pass on the traditions of Japan and your haiku, which is a testimony to your life. Thank you very much for your time today.

(Special Talk Session in 2022, Etsuko Abe and Tomoko Germer)

Solo Exhibition /個展

特設個展ブースin 日欧宮殿芸術祭2024
主催:一般社団法人 日欧宮殿芸術協会

Solo Exhibition in JEPAA Festival 2024
Date: April 20th – 22th, 2024
Venue: Charlottenburg Palace, Berlin, Germany
Organizer: Japan-Europe Palace Art Association
Operated by: Create IMS Co., Ltd.

特設個展ブースin 日欧宮殿芸術祭2023
主催:一般社団法人 日欧宮殿芸術協会

Special exhibition booth at the JEPAA Festival 2023
Date: April 12-14, 2023
Venue: Mediterranean Conference Center, Malta
Organizer: Japan-Europe Palace Art Association
Operation: Create IMS Co., Ltd.

Art History /アートヒストリー

日々の心の機微を流麗な日本語で表現する俳人・ 阿部悦子氏。彼女の豊かな文化性、気品がどのよう に育まれていったのか、その半生を紐解いていきたい。

阿部悦子は1936年7月31日、青森県八戸市蕪島に 六人家族の一人娘として生まれました。 美しい蕪島の海と男兄弟に囲まれて育った悦子 は、男まさりで活発な女の子へと成長します。また、蕪島は農業が非常に栄えていた土地で、彼女の両親 も農業を営んでいました。当時の農家の子どもは学 校で勉強するよりも家業の手伝いを優先するのが当 然とされており、悦子も幼少期から農業の仕事を手 伝うことが日常的でした。 ところがそんな状況と反比例するかのように、幼 い悦子の中で知的欲求は高まっていきます。「なぜ?」「どうして?」と口癖のように周囲に尋ね、 気になることが浮かぶと直ぐに図書館や本屋に足を運び、本を読んでその疑問を解決しようとしました。 図書館で多くの本を読む習慣と、疑問が浮かんだ際 にそれを解決する欲求は、当時から現在にかけて変わることはありません。

阿部氏は地元の鮫中学校に進学しました。時は戦 後から数年が経ち、社会は徐々に希望と明るい未来 へ歩みを進めていました。この中学時代、阿部氏は 読書に没頭し、知識の世界への情熱を深めました。 その後、阿部氏は高校受験を志します。経済的に 厳しい状況が続いており、彼女は受験のための勉強 を全て独学でこなさなければなりませんでした。受験をしたいという旨を伝えたところ周囲から「受験に合格するのは無理だ」と冷たい言葉が投げかけら れたといいます。しかし、彼女自身は自信を持って いました。なぜなら、気になることがあれば図書館 に足を運び、日々勉強に没頭する習慣があったから です。その決意と努力が実り、彼女は見事に地元の 女学校(八戸東高校)への合格を勝ち取ったのです。 しかし当時の女学校は経済的に余裕のある家庭の子 供たちだけが通うことのできる特別な場所で、合格 しても金銭的な理由で進学が難しいことは阿部氏も 十分理解していました。

無二の親友と(右 阿部氏)

そのため、この受験は自分 の力を試すためのものだと考え、通学ができなくて も仕方ないと思っていたようです。しかし、周囲の 人々の支援を受け、無事に進学を果たしました。 高校に進学した阿部氏は、バレーボールに心から の情熱を注ぎました。彼女はリーダーシップの素質があり、主体的な役割を果たすことを楽しんでいま した。同時に勉学にも真摯に取り組む姿勢を崩しませんでした。彼女は日々新しいことを学び、そのたびに知的好奇心が大きくなっていくのを感じていた といいます。そして1955年に高等学校を晴れて卒 業。この幼年期から学生時代の情熱と好奇心に満ちた日々が、後の阿部氏の感性を形作る要因となりました。

高校卒業後、阿部氏は結婚し、2人の子宝に恵ま れます。子どもたちも順調に成長していきましたが、 息子が進学先の東京で就職活動を始めたのを機に一 家で上京することとなります。阿部氏がちょうど40 代にさしかかった頃のことでした。 この東京での新たな生活が、俳句との運命的な出 会いをもたらすこととなります。東京に移住してか ら、青森出身の俳句の師匠と出会い、以降彼女の俳 句の世界への扉が開かれました。同郷出身者としての縁から始めた俳句は、気軽な気持ちから始まった ものでしたが、驚くべきことに、それから40年以上 もの歳月が流れています。 阿部氏の俳句の表現世界を形成する上で、非常に重要な要素となったのは先人の句や舞踊であり、これらの伝統的な日本文化を学び始めたのは、東京に移住してからのことでした。阿部氏は長らく自身が 「男っぽい」と思われることに悩んでいましたが、 女性らしい優雅な振る舞いを求め、コーラスや舞踊を学び始めることにしました。その後、これらの伝統芸能は阿部氏の俳句を形作る上で欠かせない要素 として、彼女の作品世界に深く組み込まれていきま す。

このように、阿部氏は東京での新しい生活と文化の出会いによって、俳句における独自の表現を発 展させ、美的要素を得る過程を経ていったのです。 阿部氏が俳句を詠む際に最も大切にしていること は、正直さだといいます。自身が感じた本当の思い や経験を率直に表現することで、その句を読む人々 に深い共感を呼び起こすのです。この俳句の道も、 やはり彼女の好奇心によって世界が広がっていきました。何より思考と創造力を駆使することが好きな 彼女にとって俳句は彼女のこの上ない表現の場と なっていたのです。彼女の句にはこれまでの阿部悦 子としての生が正直に綴られています。これからも、 阿部氏は日本文化と共に自らが見たものを率直に伝える句を詠み続けることを誓っています。


Etsuko Abe is a haiku poet who elegantly expresses the subtleties of daily life in Japanese. Let us unfurl her life to take a peek at how her rich cultured nature and elegance were nurtured.

Early childhood
Etsuko Abe was born on July 31, 1936, in Kabushima, Hachinohe City, Aomori Prefecture, as the only daughter in a family of six. Etsuko’s childhood days were surrounded by the beautiful sea of Kabushima and her brothers, and she grew up to be an active tomboy. Kabushima was a very prosperous agricultural area, and her parents were also farmers. This was during the time when it was considered normal for children of farm families to prioritize helping the family business over studying at school, and Etsuko routinely helped with the farm work from an early age. However, as if being inversely proportional to this situation, young Etsuko's intellectual desire continued to grow. Why? How so? She repeatedly asked everyone around her, and whenever she had a question in her head, she would immediately After entering high school, Abe developed a sincere passion for volleyball. She possessed leadership qualities and enjoyed taking a proactive role. Simultaneously, she remained diligent in her studies. She says that she learned something new every day, which fueled her intellectual curiosity more and more. In 1955, she graduated high school. These days filled with passion and curiosity during her childhood and school years shaped Abe's artistic sensibility.

As an artist
After graduating from high school, Abe married and had two children. The children grew up well, and when her son began looking for a job in Tokyo, the entire family made the decision to move to Tokyo. Abe was just entering her 40s. This new life in Tokyo would lead to her fateful encounter with haiku. After moving to Tokyo, she met a haiku master from Aomori, who opened the door to her haiku world. She started creating haiku as a casual hobby, introduced through an acquaintance from the same hometown, but surprisingly, more than four decades have passed since this beginning. Important elements in shaping Abe's expressive world of haiku were tea ceremony and Japanese traditional dance, and it was only after moving to Tokyo that she began to study these traditional Japanese cultural forms. Abe had long been troubled by being perceived as "masculine," and she decided to begin studying tea ceremony and dance since she admired the graceful feminine manner found in these arts. These traditional arts became an essential element in shaping Abe's haiku, becoming deeply embedded in the world of her work. It was through her new life and cultural encounters in Tokyo that Abe developed her unique expressions in haiku and added aesthetic elements to her art. Honesty is Abe's most important focus when composing haiku, she says. Frank expression of honest feelings and experiences evoke deep empathy in those who read the poem. This haiku world also expanded through her curiosity. She loves to think and create above all else, and haiku has become her perfect outlet for expression. Her haiku is an honest description of her life as Etsuko Abe so far. Abe has vowed to continue composing haiku that frankly convey the Japanese culture and the world seen through her eyes.


Profile /経歴

阿部悦子 Etsuko Abe


