- JEPAA Member
- Author
- Ryuhei Kanbe
- 作家
- 神部龍平
© 2025 Ryuhei Kanbe.
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Art History /アートヒストリー
「弱虫な子どもだったと思います。でも、男の子は 勇ましくなければいけないという時代でしたからね。」折りしも当時は第二次世界大戦の真っ只中。成人 男子はお国のために戦って来いと言われたご時世にあって、龍平少年が肩身の狭い思いをしていたことは想像するに難くありません。
「いくとせも これぞと思う日も無くて 母は我が家にすでに老いたり」
こうして神部は、作家としての挑戦を開始します。当初は自分自身がこれまでやってきたものがどれほどなのか確認する程度のつもりでした。しかし 1970年の秋田県教職員文芸「創作の部」特選を皮切りに、次々と受賞歴が積み重なっていくことで、自分自身のこれまでの活動が間違っていなかったことを実感します。
Ryuhei Kanbe, an elementary school teacher in Akita, had another side to him, which was a writer. Born in Yuzawa, with one of the heaviest snowfalls in all of Japan, the young, cowardly boy’s heart was ignited with a spark by literature, which eventually became a flame. Here, we will take a closer look at Kanbe’s life in the two worlds of education and literature as he strived to be true to himself.
Ryuhei Kanbe was born on February 20, 1932 as the eldest son of the Kanbe family in Atago Town, Yuzawa City, Akita Prefecture. He was raised by his mother, after his father passed away at a young age.
While Yuzawa City, Akita Prefecture is known for having some of the heaviest snowfall in all of Japan, the area is also famous for its water. The “Power Water” (chikaramizu) spring bubbling up from the city center is considered one of the 100 most famous waters in Japan. In addition, the city is also known for its local gourmet including specialty item Inaniwa udon and sake made from this delicious water.
In Atago-cho, Yuzawa City, Ryuhei grew up as a quiet and gentle boy.
“I recall myself as a crybaby when I was a kid. But I was raised in a time that boys had to be strong.”
It was during the World War II at that time. In a time when grown men were told to fight for their country, it was not hard to imagine that young Ryuhei was afraid of the world.
One person that had a great influence on the Kanbe family and young Ryuhei was his aunt who was a teacher at school. The aunt, who was sometimes strict and other times gentle, was perhaps close to a father figure on some level. She scolded and encouraged him to study seriously when his grades fell behind in his upper elementary school years. When Ryuhei finished elementary school, his aunt preached the importance of academic learning and recommended that he go on to a prefectural junior high school.
Among memories of these years, the gift of a monthly magazine for children was the most memorable for young Ryuhei. It is no exaggeration to say that this wonderful gift had planted the seed of his great creativity later on.
Student Days
Although young Ryuhei successfully past the entrance exam and was admitted to Atago Junior High School as his aunt had recommended, his student life was never filled with dreams and hopes that we modern people would imagine. After all, in the first half of the 1940s, there was a shortage of food and labor everywhere in Japan as the war intensified. Like others, young Ryuhei wasalso forced to plow certain fields on sunny days. “I wasn’t allowed to study. Those were the days when I just tried hard to survive.”
Even though the war ended during his tough years in junior high school, his life nonetheless remained difficult.
One day, an unexpected opportunity knocked on his door.
The catalyst was once again his aunt. When he picked up the newspaper his aunt had begun subscribing, a reader’s submission of haiku tanka and senryu poems jumped into his view. Young Ryuhei was interested and thought it might be something he could write as well. He secretly entered the tanka contest.
“No matter how many years have passed, there’s not a day when I think this is the right thing to do. My mother is already old at home.”
It’s hard to believe that this splendid piece of work was written by a high school student.
However, this was where he made an unexpected blunder. Somehow, his mother saw the tanka before his submission. At that time, his mother was 45 years old. It’s certainly not an age to be considered as “old”. Ryuhei apologized in a panic, but his mother laughed about it and forgave him. It was an embarrassing tanka debut.
But the story does not end here. Surprisingly, this bittersweet poem was published in the tanka submission column in the newspaper. However, this unexpected debut triggered Ryuhei to become more conscious of literature This first step eventually took him on a major path as a writer.
University Days
After graduating high school, Kanbe worked at a local liquor store before attending the national Akita University. After entering university, he became fascinated with composing and reading poems and tanka with his friends. In addition, he was encouraged by his dear high school teacher Rokuro Ito to write essays and novels, and read a variety of literature. In this way, Kanbe had refined his sensibility in literature and acquired the ability to express himself.
Full Time Career, and as a Writer
After graduating from university, Kanbe became a teacher in his hometown of Akita. He devoted himself to his career for around 40 years working with children.
At the same time, in terms of literary arts, he was also committed to dedicating more energy to his creative activities. The sensibility and ways of expression that he had acquired at university became his own through life experience.
The base of his creative activities was a direct publication called Yukiguni, which was chaired by Rokuro Ito. Since it was competitive to become a professional writer at the time, working on this publication allowed Kanbe to casually express his work in the way he liked. This was probably just the right thing for him as he was also busy with his teaching career.
However, a certain thought sprouted during those days.
“I want to see how competent I am as a creator.” As such, Kanbe began his challenge as a writer. At first, his intention was to merely validate the level of his work to date. After winning the special prize in the creative division of the Akita Prefectural Teachers Writing Contest in 1970, he continued to receive one award after another, which showed him that his efforts had been well worth it.
In particular, receiving the Northern Japan Literary Award was an event worthy of proving himself as a writer.
From that point on, Kanbe began to actively expand on his creative activities as a writer. He also received more offers to write newspaper columns. His column called Thursday Window in Mainichi Shimbun that started in 2004 is heading into its 19th year this year. Meanwhile, he also became the editor-in-chief of the direct publication, Yukiguni, that had fostered his ability as a writer. Currently, he spends his time fostering next generation writers as he had been mentored by Mr. Ito.
“I believe it is my responsibility to create an environment where various people can express themselves as Mr. Ito once taught me.”
Profile /経歴
神部龍平 Ryuhei Kanbe
1932年 秋田県出身
主な受賞歴 秋田県教職員文芸「創作の部」特選(1970)、第5回北日本文学賞(1970)、第1回さきがけ文学賞選奨(1980)など。
Born in Akita,Japan 1932
Graduated from Akita University,
Major awards include: Akita Prefecture Teachers’ Literature “Creative Writing Division” Special Prize (1970), the 5th Kitanihon Literature Award (1970), and the 1st PRESTO Prize for Literature (1980).