花の下行き交う人の挨拶はなべて明るしまほろばの国 /
The greetings of people passing by under the flowers are always cheerful in the land of Mahoroba
隔りて暮らすも通う心ありひたすら風とならんや我も /
There is asprit of communication even when we live apart, and we can only dream of becoming the wind
柔らかき糸の雨降る川岸に山吹の黄の煙るがに見ゆ / The Yellow of Yamabuki can be seen in the smoky yellow of the mountains on the riverside where the soft threadsof rain fall
智はまさに人の武器なりしかれども優しき花に勝てぬこともあり / Wisdom is truly a man’s weapon, but it is no match for a gentle flower