- 万葉の恋/Eternal Love
- 花の下に/Under the flowers
- みだれ髪2007/Disheveled Hair 2007
- あかねさす/The Crimson-gleaming Sun
- みだれ髪より二首の釈文 「なにとなく 君に待たるるここちして 出でし花野の夕月夜かな」 「舞姫の かりね姿よ うつくしき 朝京くだる 春の川舟」/From Disheveled Hair: 1.”Somehow, I feel you are waiting for me— This evening moonlit field of flowers where I emerge.” 2.”Oh, the beautiful form of the dancing maiden in her temporary rest, A graceful sight as the spring riverboat descends to the morning capital.