- JEPAA Member
- Sumi-Ink
- Choen Yoshida
- 水墨画
- 吉田長園
© 2025 Choen Yoshida.
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Interview article /対談記事
ゲルマー・トモコ(以下 ゲルマー):吉田先生の作品は、ドイツでも好評で、私も注目していました。今回の池袋展でも素晴らしい作品をご出展下さっていますが、ぜひ創作のことや作品について教えていただければと思います。
吉田長園(以下 吉田):ありがとうございます。今回の出展作はねぶたをテーマにした作品です。ねぶたは青森県の伝統的なお祭りなのですが、実は姉の娘が青森に嫁いでいるというご縁があったので、実際に現地でお祭りに参加していました。今回の絵は、その時の思い出を描いた作品です。ねぶた祭りはこのねぶたに続いて人が歩くんですよ。それでねぶたは町中を回るのでみんなが町中を巡るみたいになります。
(2022年特別対談 吉田長園×ゲルマー・トモコ)
A Skilled Ink Painter Looking to Enrich the Spirit and Achieve World Peace
Tomoko Germar: Ms. Yoshida, your work is also popular in Germany, where I’ve been following your career. Recently you submitted a wonderful piece for the Ikebukuro exhibition. Could you talk about your approach to your craft and the piece you submitted?
Choen Yoshida: Thank you. This piece was inspired by the Nebuta festival, a traditional festival in Aomori Prefecture. My sister’s daughter was getting married in Aomori, and I decided to attend the festival when I was there. This piece expresses my memories of that time. At this festival, participants walk behind the “nebuta” floats. As the floats go all through town, so do the people.
Germar: Your painting conveys the energy of the event, and gives a sense of being there. Was there anything you gave special attention to for this piece?
Yoshida: The eyes of the floats. I wanted to give the scene intensity, so I was careful about how I drew their eyes.
Germar: Even though they’re man-made, they really do seem like they have a soul. It must have taken years of hard work to acquire the skill to paint something like this. What originally made you start painting?
Yoshida: After moving house, I heard there was an ink painting teacher in the area, so I asked him to teach me.
Germar: So it was meant to be. I’ve never painted with ink, but I imagine it’s quite difficult. What do you find difficult about it, now that you’re a full-fledged ink painter?
Yoshida: One thing is the fact that you can’t fix mistakes as you go. There are no redos. I’m very careful when I paint since it’s a one-shot deal. I initially approached it casually, not caring about the result too much. But I gradually got more passionate about it. And I started out trying to paint with great detail, but that goal also gradually changed.
Germar: So what kinds of things are you focused on nowadays?
Yoshida: Lately I’m thinking about empty space when I paint. At first I tried to fill every inch of the paper, but lately I’ve come to think that the greatness of a piece is determined by its empty space.
Germar: That’s a sentiment largely absent in Europe. But Japanese art and culture have grown in popularity in recent years, I think because they bring something new and interesting. People like you are making this happen by expressing Japanese culture and the Japanese spirit through your work. I imagine your art will find even greater demand in the future. On that note, do you have any new projects planned?
Yoshida: Art and culture are so important to spiritual enrichment because of how everyone can take away different things from them. I think they are especially important for peace. Looking at the world at large, they are especially necessary when you think about the wars now going on, such as the one in Ukraine. Unfortunately, a growing number of young people don’t know about ink painting. They don’t learn about it at school, and it’s rapidly becoming a foreign concept. I just wish the culture around ink painting could grow, both in Japan and overseas.
Germar: Imparting culture is an important part of what we do. We have to communicate to the next generation the wonderful things about ink painting.
Yoshida: I actually taught an ink painting class the other day at an elementary school. I had the students paint a picture of Mt. Fuji. I also teach classes at a local community center.
Germar: I think that’s a very important experience for children to have. And to have learned from someone who has demonstrated real ability in the world of ink painting—I’m sure that’s something they will cherish in the future. Lastly, is there anything you would like to say to those who have looked at your paintings?
Yoshida: I want to bring greater spiritual enrichment to people by making art a bigger part of our everyday culture, and I hope to keep studying my craft in order to make paintings that achieve that purpose.
Germar: Let’s bring spiritual enrichment to the people of the world, together. Thank you very much for your time today.
(Special Talk Session in 2022 by Choen Yoshida and Tomoko Germer)
Solo Exhibition /個展ブース
特設個展ブースin 日欧宮殿芸術祭2023
主催:一般社団法人 日欧宮殿芸術協会
Special exhibition booth at the JEPAA Festival 2023
Date: May 12-14, 2023
Venue: Mediterranean Conference Center, Malta
Organizer: Japan-Europe Palace Art Association
Operation: Create IMS Co., Ltd.
Profile /経歴
吉田長園 Choen Yoshida
日本・中国水墨画交流協会 副会長
1995年 日本水墨画協会展 年間賞
2010年 日中水墨画合同展 日中文化交流協会賞
2012年 水墨画振興展 大賞
2021年 日中水墨画合同展 東京都知事賞
Master:Seiryo Iwakami , Shin Uchiya
,Affiliated Group:Vice President, Japan-China Ink Painting Exchange Association
Exhibition of Works(JEPAA): Germany, France,Malta…
1995 Japan Ink Painting Association Annual Award
2010 Japan-China Ink Painting Contract Exhibition Japan-China Cultural Exchange Association Award
2012 Ink Painting Promotion Exhibition Grand Prize
2021 Japan-China Ink Painting Contract Exhibition Tokyo Governor’s Award